Church Consultant Website Project Part 1

Church Consultant - Church Encourager

I have been wanting to write a series of articles about websites. As I was thinking of different ways to make it interesting I landed on the idea of creating a website for a specific purpose and then tracking its progress in the articles. With this is mind I am going to catalog the journey of a new website I am calling “Church Consultant“.

Over the last fifteen years I have built a lot of websites. While I am by no account an expert “IT” person, I am just knowledgeable enough to make things work. It is similar to how I play guitar. I can play well enough to make people who don’t know much about music think that I must really know a lot about music. But any real musician watching and listening to me play would know that I am just barely passable at best.

That being said, I know a few things worth sharing and hopefully I can do it in a way that most people can understand and implement. My hope is that you are able to take the ideas in these articles and use them in developing your own website projects or helping others update their websites. The reality is that there are a lot of church and ministry websites that really need some tender loving care.

The Church Consultant Website Project

Let me give you the backstory for this Church Consultant website project. As I am starting this project I am eight weeks away from turning 62. I have been a lead pastor for thirty years at the same church and am blessed to be in a healthy church with people that I love and ministering with and to an amazing staff and congregation. Out of this has come a desire to help other pastors and churches navigate this journey in the Lord.

To that end I have undergone training over the last couple of years to become a Certified Church Consultant and a Certified Coach. I have already developed a couple of websites to let people know about the help and services I am able to provide. I am going to build this “Church Consultant” website with the specific intent of having it show up on the first page of a google search for church consultant.

One of the first things that we need to discuss in having a website show up where you want it to as a result of a google search is the importance of a domain name. That will be what we focus on in Part 2.

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