Virtual Church Renewal
“But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” Hebrews 3:13
Helping Churches Thrive!
Moving Forward
Many churches report feeling stuck, or worse, like they are moving in the wrong direction. We will help to identify the problems and find solutions to not only get unstuck but to begin moving forward.
Don’t Wait to Address Decline
Statistics really are helpful. (Proverbs 24:5)
Churches often do not know their community.
Change is necessary but not easy to implement.
Virtual Church Renewal
Do you Want to Get Well?
That is one of the greatest questions that Jesus ever asked. And it is one that we need to ask as well. It takes courage to take a hard look at a church and realize that she is not as healthy as she was or should be. If you are not sure your church really needs help, use our free online Church Assessment tool to help get some clarity. If you know that you want to take the first step towards getting well, click on the Get Started button below to schedule your free, no obligation, thirty (30) minute zoom initial consultation.
Internet Impact
Before a first time guest walks through the doors of your church, they have checked you out on the Internet. Your church website and social media are the “foyer” of your church. What is the impact of your church currently on the Internet?
Community Statisitcs
Jesus instructed us to “love your neighbor” (Matthew 22:34-40). Knowing your neighbor is the first step to loving your neighbor. Our Community Insight Report will help you understand your neighbors.
Effective Outreach Ideas
Once we have a handle on what the community looks like, we can formulate a customized outreach strategy to make an impact.
Church Marketing
Your community needs to know that your church exists. Based on your community, and your church, we will create a customized marketing strategy to help your community know and find your church.
Ask a question or schedule a free thirty minute Zoom chat below.