Kingdom Covenant Part 2 with Discussion Guide

Kingdom Covenant Part 2 Discussion Guide

1 Title

Kingdom Covenant: Embracing Our Royal Priesthood

2 Sermon Summary

In this sermon, we explore the concept of the royal priesthood, beginning with the figure of Melchizedek, who appears in Genesis as both a king and a priest, blessing Abram with bread and wine. This idea of a royal priesthood is traced through Scripture, from King David to Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate Royal Priest. The sermon emphasizes that, as followers of Christ, we too are part of this royal priesthood, called to serve, bless, and love God and others. The message concludes with the reminder that our failures do not define us; rather, God works through our failures for His glory and our benefit.

3 Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we gather today to delve into Your Word and the message we have heard, we ask for Your Spirit to guide our hearts and minds. May we be open to the lessons You have for us, and may our discussion be fruitful and honoring to You. Help us to embrace our identity as part of Your royal priesthood, to serve and love as You have called us to. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

4 Ice Breaker

If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and why?

5 Key Verses

  • Genesis 14:18-19 (NIV): “Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, and he blessed Abram, saying, ‘Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth.'”
  • 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV): “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

6 Questions

  1. What does the figure of Melchizedek teach us about the role of a royal priest?
  2. How does the concept of a royal priesthood challenge our understanding of leadership and service?
  3. In what ways did Jesus embody the role of the ultimate Royal Priest?
  4. How can we, as modern believers, live out our calling as a royal priesthood in our daily lives?
  5. What are some practical ways we can bless others as part of our priestly service?
  6. How does understanding our identity as God’s chosen people and royal priesthood affect our self-perception and actions?
  7. Can you share a time when you felt you were a blessing to someone else?
  8. How can we maintain humility while embracing our royal priesthood?

7 Life Application

This week, let’s each find one way to serve someone in our community as an act of royal priesthood. Whether it’s through a kind word, a helping hand, or a prayer, let’s intentionally bless someone else and reflect God’s love to them.

8 Ending Prayer

Lord God, as we close our time together, we thank You for the privilege of being Your royal priesthood. May the discussions we’ve had today resonate in our hearts throughout the week. Help us to live out our calling with humility and love, serving You by serving others. Guide us as we seek to be a blessing in our communities, and may Your light shine through us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

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