Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 1 with Discussion Guide

Kingdom Foreshadowed Part 1 Discussion Guide

1 Title

Kingdom Foreshadowed: Encountering God in the Ordinary

2 Summary

In this sermon, we explore the story of Moses and his encounter with God through the burning bush. We are reminded of the importance of being attentive to God’s presence in our daily lives, even amidst routine tasks. The sermon connects Moses’ experience to the broader biblical narrative, highlighting themes from the Garden of Eden, Noah, and Abraham. Emphasizing the accessibility of God’s presence through Jesus Christ, the message encourages us to take time out of our busyness to meet with God and to respond to His call with openness and willingness.

3 Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we gather today to reflect on Your word and the message we’ve heard, we ask for Your Spirit to guide our hearts and minds. Help us to be attentive to Your presence in the ordinary moments of our lives, just as Moses was at the burning bush. May our discussion be fruitful, and may we be open to the lessons You want us to learn and apply in our lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

4 Ice Breaker

If you could have any job for just one day, what would it be and why?

5 Key Verses

  • Exodus 3:5 – “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
  • John 14:6 – Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

6 Questions

  1. What does Moses’ encounter with the burning bush teach us about recognizing God’s presence?
  2. How can we make space in our busy lives to be attentive to God’s call?
  3. In what ways does the story of Moses connect to the broader narrative of the Bible?
  4. How does Jesus’ role as the way, the truth, and the life impact our relationship with God?
  5. Can you share a time when you felt God calling you to something unexpected? How did you respond?
  6. What fears or hesitations might we have in approaching God, and how can we overcome them?
  7. How can we encourage each other to seek encounters with God in our daily routines?
  8. What practical steps can we take this week to be more open to God’s presence and guidance?

7 Life Application

This week, let’s challenge ourselves to be more like Moses, attentive and responsive to God’s presence in our lives. Set aside a specific time each day to be still and listen for God’s voice, whether it’s through prayer, reading Scripture, or simply being aware of the divine in the ordinary moments.

8 Key Takeaways

Title: Attentiveness to God’s Presence
Moses’ encounter with the burning bush is a powerful reminder to be attentive to God’s presence in our daily lives. By being open and responsive, we can experience God’s guidance and calling, even in the most mundane tasks.

Title: The Continuity of God’s Story
The story of Moses is intricately connected to the larger biblical narrative, drawing parallels to the Garden of Eden, Noah, and Abraham. Understanding these connections enriches our comprehension of God’s ongoing work in history and in our lives.

Title: Accessibility Through Christ
Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to approach God without fear. His sacrifice and resurrection have bridged the gap between humanity and the divine, allowing us to have a personal relationship with God and to encounter His presence freely.

9 Ending Prayer

Gracious God, as we conclude our time together, we thank You for the insights and revelations You have provided through our discussion. May the lessons we’ve learned from Moses’ encounter with You at the burning bush inspire us to seek You in every aspect of our lives. Help us to carry the truths of Your word into our week, looking for Your presence in the ordinary and responding to Your call with courage and faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

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