Kingdom Incarnate Part 12 with Discussion Guide

Kingdom Incarnate Part 12 Discussion Guide


This sermon focuses on the Lord’s Prayer, examining it as a beautiful poem that Jesus wrote for his friends as a guide for prayer and daily living. The pastor explains how the prayer’s structure reflects the greatest commandment – to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. The first three petitions focus on God (your name, kingdom, will) while the latter three focus on human needs (give us, forgive us, lead us).

Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we gather to discuss your Word and the prayer that Jesus taught us, open our hearts and minds to understand its deeper meaning. Help us to see how we can apply these teachings to draw closer to you and better serve others. Guide our discussion and reveal what you want each person here to learn today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ice Breaker

What’s your earliest memory of learning or reciting the Lord’s Prayer?

Key Verses

Luke 11:1-4
Matthew 6:9-13
Matthew 22:36-40
Exodus 16:4


How does viewing the Lord’s Prayer as a personal poem from Jesus to his friends change your perspective of it?
Why do you think Jesus included both God-focused and human-focused petitions in the prayer?
What does it mean to you personally to call God ‘Father’ or ‘Abba’?
How do you understand the petition ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done’?
What role does daily trust in God play in your life when praying ‘give us this day our daily bread’?
How does the forgiveness we receive from God relate to our forgiveness of others?
What does it mean to you to ‘hallow’ God’s name in your daily life?
How can we use the Lord’s Prayer as a blueprint for our own prayer life?

Life Application

This week, commit to praying the Lord’s Prayer daily, but instead of rushing through it, pause at each petition to reflect on its meaning and how you can live it out in your daily life. Consider journaling about how this practice impacts your relationship with God and others.

Key Takeaways

The Lord’s Prayer is not just a prayer to memorize but a guide for how to pray and live
The prayer’s structure reflects the greatest commandment – love God and love your neighbor
God desires an intimate relationship with us as our Father
Prayer is important because God’s will is not automatically done – we participate through prayer
Daily trust in God is essential to the Christian life

Ending Prayer

Father God, thank you for giving us this beautiful prayer through your Son Jesus. Help us to understand it more deeply and live it out more fully. May we honor your name, seek your kingdom, trust in your provision, walk in forgiveness, and rely on your protection. Guide us as we apply these principles in our daily lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

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