Kingdom Incarnate Part 4 with Discussion Guide

Kingdom Incarnate Part 4 Discussion Guide


In this sermon, the focus is on the encounters Jesus has with different individuals in the Gospel of John, highlighting the importance of faith and the grace of God. The sermon explores Jesus’ interactions with Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, and a royal official, emphasizing how Jesus speaks to the specific needs of each person. The key takeaway is that faith in Jesus is not just about knowing who He is, but about trusting Him and taking action based on that trust, akin to getting into a wheelbarrow on a tightrope, fully relying on Him.

Intro Prayer

Heavenly Father, we thank You for bringing us together today. We ask that You open our hearts and minds to receive what You have for us. Help us to understand the depth of Your love and grace, and to trust in You more fully. May we be open to the lessons You want to teach us through this discussion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ice Breaker

What is one thing you did this week that made you smile?

Key Verses

John 3:16
John 4:46-54
John 20:30-31


What stood out to you the most from the sermon?
How do you relate to Nicodemus’ struggle with understanding spiritual rebirth?
What does the story of the Samaritan woman teach us about grace?
Why do you think Jesus responded the way He did to the royal official?
How can we apply the concept of ‘getting in the wheelbarrow’ to our faith journey?
What are some areas in your life where you need to trust Jesus more?
How does understanding Jesus as the Word impact your view of His teachings?
In what ways can we avoid labeling others and see them as Jesus does?

Life Application

This week, identify one area in your life where you need to trust Jesus more and take a step of faith, even if it’s a small one. Reflect on how you can rely on His word and promises.

Key Takeaways

Faith in Jesus requires action, not just belief.
Jesus meets us at our point of need, offering grace and truth.
Understanding and accepting God’s grace is crucial for spiritual rebirth.
Jesus’ words are powerful and transformative.
Trusting Jesus involves stepping out in faith, even when it’s challenging.

Ending Prayer

Lord, thank You for the time we’ve spent together today. Help us to carry the lessons we’ve learned into our daily lives. May we trust You more deeply and live out our faith with courage and conviction. Guide us as we seek to follow You and share Your love with others. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

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