Kingdom Incarnate Part 7 with Discussion Guide

Kingdom Incarnate Part 7 Discussion Guide


This sermon focuses on Jesus walking on water from John 6:16-20, following the feeding of the 5,000. Pastor Doug emphasizes that this miracle isn’t just about Jesus’ power over nature, but reveals His identity as King and why He came. The message explores how people often try to control Jesus rather than submit to Him, and how Jesus meets us in our storms, whether literal or figurative.

Intro Prayer

Lord, as we gather to discuss Your Word, open our hearts and minds to understand Your kingship in our lives. Help us to see where we need to surrender control and trust in Your perfect timing and plan. Guide our discussion and reveal what You want each of us to learn today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Ice Breaker

What’s the most memorable storm (literal or figurative) you’ve experienced, and how did you get through it?

Key Verses

John 6:16-20
Romans 5:6-11
Exodus 3:14
Jonah 1:4-15


In what ways do you sometimes try to ‘make Jesus king by force’ in your own life?

Why do you think Jesus sometimes chooses to walk with us through storms rather than immediately calm them?

How does Jesus’ statement ‘It is I’ (ego eimi) reveal His divinity?

What’s the difference between how Jonah and Jesus responded to their respective storms?

How do you typically respond when God doesn’t answer your prayers in the way you expected?

What areas of your life do you need to hear Jesus say ‘Don’t be afraid’?

How does knowing Jesus endured the ultimate storm (the cross) impact your view of personal struggles?

What does it mean to let Jesus be the pilot instead of the co-pilot in your life?

Life Application

This week, identify one area where you’ve been trying to control Jesus instead of trusting Him. Write it down and deliberately surrender it to Him daily through prayer, asking not for your will to be done, but His.

Key Takeaways

Jesus is King and cannot be controlled or manipulated to fit our agenda

Jesus sees us in our struggles and meets us in the midst of our storms

Sometimes Jesus walks with us through storms rather than removing them

Jesus endured the ultimate storm (the cross) for our salvation

Our greatest refuge is found in Jesus Himself, not in the absence of storms

Ending Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for being our refuge in every storm. Help us to release control and trust in Your sovereign leadership over our lives. Give us the courage to face our storms with faith, knowing that You are walking with us. May we remember that You endured the ultimate storm for our sake. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.

Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.

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