Kingdom Incarnate Part 8 with Discussion Guide
Kingdom Incarnate Part 8 Discussion Guide
This sermon focuses on the story of Jesus healing a man born blind in John 9. The pastor explores three different perspectives of the miracle: Jesus’ perspective of seeing someone who needs connection with God, the Pharisees’ perspective bound by religious rules, and the blind man’s journey from physical and spiritual blindness to sight and worship. The sermon emphasizes that all humanity is born spiritually blind and only through believing in Jesus can we receive spiritual sight.
Intro Prayer
Lord, as we gather to discuss Your Word, open our spiritual eyes to see You more clearly. Help us move past our preconceptions and rules to truly encounter You. Guide our discussion and reveal the truths You want us to understand today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Ice Breaker
Can you share about a time when you finally understood or ‘saw’ something that you had been struggling to grasp?
Key Verses
John 9:1-7
John 9:25
2 Corinthians 4:4
John 20:30-31
How does cause-and-effect thinking sometimes prevent us from seeing God’s bigger picture?
What’s the difference between how Jesus saw the blind man versus how the Pharisees saw him?
How does the blind man’s progression of understanding who Jesus is (from ‘a man’ to ‘Lord’) mirror our own spiritual journeys?
Why do you think the Pharisees couldn’t celebrate the miracle even when it was right in front of them?
In what ways might we be spiritually blind today?
How does worship naturally flow from truly seeing who Jesus is?
What ‘boxes’ do we sometimes try to put God in that might limit our ability to see Him work?
How can we help others move from spiritual blindness to spiritual sight?
Life Application
This week, identify an area where you might be spiritually blind – perhaps a prejudice, a rigid religious view, or a limitation you’ve put on God. Ask the Lord to help you see from His perspective and be open to how He might be working in ways you haven’t recognized.
Key Takeaways
All humanity is born spiritually blind and needs Jesus for true sight
Religious rules and cause-effect thinking can prevent us from seeing God’s work
True spiritual sight leads naturally to worship
Jesus seeks out those who need Him, even when others reject them
Spiritual sight is a journey that develops over time as we know Jesus more
Ending Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for opening our spiritual eyes to see You. Help us move beyond our religious boxes and preconceptions to truly see You at work. Give us hearts that naturally flow into worship as we understand more of who You are. Help us to be instruments in helping others move from spiritual blindness to sight. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
This series may be taken as a course offered by the Online Bible Institute. For more information check out the Keys Vineyard Ministries Courses page.
Steve Lawes is a Church Consultant and also provides coaching for pastors, churches, ministries and church planters.